Wednesday, November 7, 2007

First Post


You might know me better as Miss Kon @ . I decided to get an e-Spiritual Journal for easier reference for myself and also in hope that you might be blessed by reading my posts here.

I decided this would be easier than lumping both my Spiritual Diary and my Thought Diary into one blog since in real life I have two separate ones too. Girls will just be girls, huh. Everything also need diary!

But, I can't help it. It's how I express myself. Over these few years, I've realised that I express myself best in words.

So there you go. :)


Estehrman said...

hello there mickon :)

Miss Kon said...

-gasp- esther, i'm impressed! you can find this blog. hahaha.

Miss Kon said...

how does the color look like on your computer?

babychong said...

i'm impressed by esther too lah! she must be checking on yr profile everyday! right esther?

i guess why i enjoy yr blog is that u're able to express feelings and things that people cant express in words. now one more blog, one more on my favourites :D

Estehrman said...

i just happen to click your profile la. haha of course be impressed by me. like duh plx. jkjk.

eh! you better update this blog often. muahahaha

Estehrman said...

oh its dark grey, white, light blue and pink and light green.

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